Architecture + Design

Development News In Avondale, the former site of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church and Gabriel’s Place, a public gathering space with a farmer’s market and community meals, will be revitalized with 20 residential units and a community center.

Saving a sense of (Gabriel’s) place

Longform Frisch's Mainliner restaurant was a Fairfax landmark.

As we saw it: Soapbox favorite photos of 2024

Feature Story Red-02-list

Development beyond the basin

Partner Content Rendering of IRS site

Building the Cincinnati basin and beyond

Feature Story Norwood / Factory 52 - The Resilience of an Industrial Town tour.

Build the City, But for Whom?

Development News CNU-32 media toolkit graphic

CNU 32.Cincinnati Comes to Town

Partner Content CUDA Studio Clifton list

Deliberating the D Word (Density)

Feature Story Kiplington homeowner's association shared amenities.

Stable homes, stable communities

The Cincinnati region has a wealth of talent in branding, design and architecture. Companies like Procter & Gamble, Kroger and GE Aviation continue driving global design and innovation. Regional branding pros like BS LLC, Core Impact, Leap Matter, The Motion Agency, Empower, and Barefoot provide the creative force behind many well-known consumer products and cutting-edge projects. Architectural Foundation of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Preservation Association, AIA Cincinnati, and University of Cincinnati Planning and Design are centers of education, community engagement, and world-class design and thought leadership.