

245 Articles | Page:

Cincinnati loves its Findlay Market Opening Day Parade

Cincinnati is a town that loves a good parade.  On a rainy opening day, the Soapbox video crew, with the help of Findlay Market Marketing Coordinator and resident parade guru Cheryl Eagleson, set out to discover why parades, especially the Reds Opening Day Parade, hold such a special place in our hearts. Be sure to check out the impromptu performance of the Reds song from  two anonymous fans at the end of the video.  read on…

A Cincinnati Slide Show

Bridge Worldwide

There's a reason why Bridge Worldwide has been listed as one of America's top 25 best places to work for two years in a row. President, Jay Woffington attributes the company's accolades to a combination of  fun and collaboration or "funaboration" as he calls it. His company takes digital media marketing to a whole new level where employees are expected to take an active role in affecting positive change within the company. This fresh approach is anything but "business as usual" but given the amount of growth this company has seen recently, it's clear that it's working. Soapbox staff invaded the swank downtown offices of Bridge Worldwide to have a brief conversation with wunderkind, Jay Woffington.

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The Rise of Libeskind's Ascent at the Contemporary Arts Center

Daniel Libeskind’s contemporary global statement, The Ascent opens in conjunction with Contemporary Arts Center’s exhibition featuring  the artists’ substantial body of work. read on…

Covington's Renaissance Takes Hold

Covington's Renaissance Board is helping make renovation and change possible for young families, artists and anyone wanting to live in a neighborhood filled with character and history. Who says a trip across the river is too far away? We timed it. It's not. read on…