Cincinnati State builds solar-electric car for Parks Department, forwards city's green agenda

Cincinnati is going green with the help of Cincinnati State Technical and Community College.

Under the supervision of Cincinnati State faculty and students, a team of 20 eager students from Clark Montessori High School are assembling a solar/electric car.

Once complete, the Cincinnati Parks Department will use this car for maintenance and other rounds.

"Time Warner donated this electric car kit to the Cincinnati Parks," says Larry Feist, project leaders and head of the renewable energy program at Cincinnati State.  "The Cinci Parks in-turn asked Clark Montesorri School to assemble it.  They asked me to help.  So I got some of my Renewable Energy students to help out."

And thus the Cincinnati Parks Department has an eco-friendly car that runs entirely
on electricity, which is recharged via solar panel.

Ultimately, this project is representative of the city's push to step up its green efforts. Mayor Mallory's Green Cincinnati Plan and steering committee, of which Feist is a member himself, are two clear examples of this commitment in action.

Those interested in joining the green dialog can attend a Green Energy Ohio event on April 25 at Cincinnati State. 

(This 'green'' news story previously appeared in Soapbox, April 2009).

Writer:  Jonathan DeHart
Source:  Robert White, Larry Feist

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