Jobs Landed: Davis Fink

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What do you do in your new position at Roadtrippers?
I work on the Roadtrippers web application, helping build out features and fixing bugs.
What do you like best about this job?
The new learning experiences, and the opportunity to be involved in a great product. 
What's great about living/working in Cincinnati? 
Being able to watch the city develop. It’s awesome to be able to see new shops, restaurants and bars pop up. It’s wonderful to be able to be a part of that, working at a local startup and helping fuel that growth.

What part of town do you live in, and what do you most like about the neighborhood in which you live? 
I live in Northern Kentucky, Fort Wright to be more specific. I really like the area that I live in. It’s a great location, close to just about everywhere I need to go. It’s close to work, only about a 15-20 minute drive to work.

Local jobs at

Job Title: Junior Web Developer
Company: Roadtrippers
College: NKU (Highland Heights, Kentucky) University of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky) , Computer Information Systems
Lives In: Northern Kentucky, Fort Wright


Cincinnati, OH