Northside funeral home finds new life

For most people, a vacant funeral home might not seem the optimal office and retail space.

Matt Kotlarczyk and a business partner aren't most people. When they saw the vacant Chas. A. Miller funeral home in Northside, they saw opportunity. The Northside landmark that has been vacant for the past three years is currently being remodeled into office and retail space. Kotlarczyk hopes to have the space ready for tenants by April.

“I’ve been looking for a project in Northside for a while,” Kotlarczyk says. “It’s an interesting building, and it can be a very unique space.”

Renovators are tearing up carpet and building walls to create offices, but the building will still keep its character. Kotlarczyk  says only minor changes are being made--for example, the former viewing room will be turned into a conference room.

The 16,000-square-foot space, including the three-car garage, is already being leased. The entire first floor is being rented by Caracole, a center that provides housing and supportive services for those living with HIV/AIDs. The first floor will serve as an office for the non-profit's 30 employees.

Half of the second floor is rented to Future Life Now, a center that works with individuals and groups to makes changes in all aspects of life, which is currently based in College Hill. FLN is doubling its current space with the move. FNL had been looking for a new space for more than a year.

“It will give us more space and a better location to serve our clients from all areas,” says Cynthia Allen, owner of Future Life Now. “We always wanted to support the revitalization of an urban neighborhood. Northside really has shown that it has the moxie to bring diversity together and create a healthy neighborhood.”

The second floor still has 2,500 square feet for rent, as well as the three-car garage behind the building. The garage has high ceiling and a bathroom. According to Kotlarczyk, a sculptor himself, it would make a great studio.

By Evan Wallis
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