Red Hawk Technologies is a strategically focused web application develop
ment company. Founded by Matt Strippelhoff and Ron Dunlevy in 2008, Red Hawk has found success by specializing in websites and web applications that integrate with the client’s CRM solutions and data sources.
Strippelhoff, Director of Operations and Interactive Marketing Strategist, des
cribes how Red Hawk has diversified. "Forty-five percent of our business is web design. Forty-five
percent is customizing Microsoft CRM software for businesses. And the remaining ten percent is our own web-based applications—SaaS, or Software as a Service."
CRM, or Customer R
hip Management, allows businesses to captur

e and manage business leads that come through their website. Red Hawk has the technical skills to integrate interactive marketing programs with the critical data CRM collects.
"We often partner with advertising agencies to provide the heavy lifting they need to develop truly integrated marketing programs for their clients,” said Strippelhoff.
Strippelhoff moved here from Georgetown, Kentucky in 1988. After graduating from the Art Academy of Cincinnati, he worked as a graphic designer, creating his first website in 1995. Strippelhoff and Dunlevy met at a dotcom startup in 1999. Dunlevy’s strength is application development; other team members bring skills in website and application design, search engine optimization, and interactive marketing.
Red Hawk’s physical and web presence conveys the company’s sense of well-rounded fun. Their Newport offices, directly above Graeter’s Ice Cream, have an open, cubicle-free floor plan. The portraits on Red Hawk’s web site feature attention-getting digital animation. On Twitter feeds below each staff bio, staffers give a good-natured two cents on tech innovations.
In the past year, Red Hawk’s payroll has jumped from two to seven, with plans to hire again within six months. The company has a new content management system they plan to aggressively market soon. Strippelhoff looks forward to a strong stream of new business on both sides of the river. Two decades of expansion in the tech sector can only create stronger currents for Red Hawk.
Writer: Elena Stevenson
Source: Matt Strippelhoff, Director of Operations, Red Hawk Technologies