Garden Grove Organics shop blossoms in Covington

Garden Grove Organics is a business devoted to a better way to grow plants and produce--sans chemicals. After tinkering with hydroponics, no-soil organic, and traditional gardening since 1997, Casey Fraser and his wife, Heather, opened Garden Grove three years ago. Fraser takes a scientist's pleasure in finding solutions to gardening challenges.

Casey Fraser was first inspired by his grandparents' love of growing things. He grew up in Eastern Kentucky and earned a degree in Communications and Electronic Media from Morehead State University. He started out in garden supply retail, and later traveled the country as a sales rep for a wholesale supplier - all the while pursuing gardening as a weekend passion.

"While shopping locally, I noticed a lack of specific, scientific garden supplies," said Fraser. "I also noticed that my own gardening knowledge often surpassed that of the sales staff." By then he'd met Heather, whose accounting degree from NKU could hold up the paperwork side of a small business. It was time to grow their own enterprise.
After falling in love with downtowns on both sides of the river, Fraser found his perfect urban location the old-fashioned way - on foot. East Seventh Street in Covington is near City Hall, the Mad Hatter, and the Madison Theater.

The Frasers believe detailed knowledge of hydroponics, grow lights, and organic gardening is their most valuable currency. They're often invited to speak at local gardening classes, and recently began selling organic gardening supplies at the Farmers Market in Covington. Casey, Heather, and one additional employee man the store six days a week.
Writer: Elena Stevenson
Source: Casey Fraser, co-owner, Garden Grove Organics
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