Chandler adds insight to elevator pitches

Matt Chandler's journey from the corporate world to the startup world should come as no surprise.

"Entrepreneurship runs in the family — it's only recently that I started to appreciate how much it's a part of me," he says. "I was always doing something creative — I was in a band in college and I always had something going on."

The founder of Elevator Insight, Chandler now helps startups and large brands alike distill their elevator pitch into an entertaining two-minute animated video. The videos are being used by startups such as Plan B Flights, Acceptd and Time Timer — and word is spreading. So far, all of Elevator Insight's business has been through word of mouth.

Chandler went to work for BASES when he graduated from Miami University, working in consumer market knowledge and analysis. "It was a great experience," he says. "I was exposed to both the analytical and creative sides of the business."

Chandler left to become a freelancer and producer at Crossroads, where he is now the Director of Communications. He leads an internal creative agency at Crossroads, creating communications, web content and the well-known and memorable weekly signs at the corner of Ridge and Madison Roads in Oakley.

"Finally, I identified what I'm really good at — and that's leading creative teams," he says. "That's what I get to do now at Elevator Insight. I spend time with startups and larger brands, helping them distill their pitch into a succinct two-minute video, which we then animate."

One of Chandler's many creative talents — as a voice-over artist — led him to create Elevator Insight. When Chandler's dad needed a video for his dental product company, Chandler volunteered to help him create an animated video. Soon, he started getting calls from other startups.

Elevator Insight's videos are priced for small to medium-sized businesses and their entertaining portfolio of work can be viewed here.

By Elizabeth Edwards
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